Les douleurs pelvi-périnéales : où en est-on ?
Michel Guérineau
Kinésithér Scient 2017,0583:09-14 - 10/01/2017
Si, depuis plus de 20 ans, nous avons bien amélioré nos connaissances concernant le délicat problème des douleurs pelvi-périnéales, il nous reste encore beaucoup de choses à apprendre.
Que faut-il penser des étiologies possibles de ces douleurs, comment les appréhender, quel traitement kinésithérapique apporter à ces patients dont l'errance thérapeutique reste encore souvent très importante ?
where are we now ?
Even though for over 20 years we have improved our knowledge of pelvic and perineal pain, there is still much more to learn.
What should we think about the possible etiologies of these pains, how should we manage them, which physiotherapy treatment can we provide to patients whose therapeutic wandering is often still very significant?
Que faut-il penser des étiologies possibles de ces douleurs, comment les appréhender, quel traitement kinésithérapique apporter à ces patients dont l'errance thérapeutique reste encore souvent très importante ?
where are we now ?
Even though for over 20 years we have improved our knowledge of pelvic and perineal pain, there is still much more to learn.
What should we think about the possible etiologies of these pains, how should we manage them, which physiotherapy treatment can we provide to patients whose therapeutic wandering is often still very significant?